Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Agrarwirtschaft"

100 Services found for "Agrarwirtschaft"

Apply for hatchery registration

If you want to run a breeding or multiplication business for domestic poultry or a hatchery, you must register with the competent authority upon application.

buy venison

You can buy game from the district foresters’ own hunts.

Calculate and set water abstraction fees

Do you extract water from a surface water body or groundwater, or do you extract or divert groundwater? In this case, you have to pay a fee to the relevant federal state.

Apply for permission to discharge rainwater directly into water bodies

Do you want to drain rainwater or discharge it into a surface water body? Then you must apply for a water law permit.

Apply for information from the water book

The water book is a register of water rights. Anyone can view the water book.

Agricultural subsidies

European agriculture and fisheries are promoted within the framework of the common agricultural policy and the common fisheries policy

Apply for first afforestation

If you want to create new forest on an area where there were no trees before, you must apply for a permit in advance.

Supreme hunting authority Hamburg

The right to hunt is a property right that is inextricably linked to the ownership of land. With the right to hunt comes the obligation to preserve.

Show land lease change

If you have made a change to a land lease agreement, you must report this to the relevant authority.

Supreme Forest Authority Hamburg

Forest in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (FHH)

Report Land Lease Agreement Completion

If you have entered into a land lease agreement, you must report this to the relevant authority.

Organic farming, control procedures

If products that fall within the scope of the EU organic regulation and are labeled with an organic label, you can find out more about it here.

Approve clear cutting in the protection forest

If you intend to reduce the forest density on a forest area, you need prior approval above a certain extent.

Apply for clearing of forest areas

Clearing is the removal of forest in favor of another type of land use. If you intend to clear land, you must apply for a permit in advance.

Fishing from the boat Doveelbe / Schleusengraben / Serrahn

Fishing from the boat on Doveelbe / Schleusengraben / Serrahn

Apply for bookmaker permission

If you, as a bookmaker, would like to place or arrange bets on public horse races, you must apply for permission in advance.

Approval authority according to the Real Estate Transfer Act (GrdstVG)

The legal sale of agricultural or forestry property (> 1 hectare) requires approval under the Real Estate Act.

Permission to fish from a boat on the Elbe (only Hamburg area)

Would you like to get a boat fishing license?

Show earth outcrop

If you want to carry out earthworks that could affect the groundwater, you must notify the responsible authority in advance.

Apply for fishing with electricity

If you want to fish using electricity, you must apply for a permit in advance.

Apply for approval for egg packing station

Would you like to operate an egg packing station? First, apply to the relevant authority for a market permit and a packing station code.

Apply for notification as an expert for safety inspections

If you wish to be commissioned as an expert to carry out safety inspections and inspections of safety documents, you must apply to the competent authority for notification as an expert.

Amalgam separator planned discharge or change of wastewater discharge

As the operator of a dental practice or clinic, you have certain reporting obligations with regard to your amalgam separator.

Apply for permission to extract groundwater in a formal procedure

If you want to extract groundwater, you must apply for a water permit. In some cases, this can only be granted in a formal administrative procedure.

Apply for a fishing license for foreign tourists

As a foreign tourist, you can apply for a fishing license in Germany.

Apply for a change of permit for the extraction of groundwater

If you want to change a groundwater abstraction for which you have a permit under water law, you must apply to the responsible authority for a permit change.

Apply for exemption from the fishing license requirement

You can apply for an exemption from the fishing license requirement.

Get information on how to reduce damage caused by heavy rain

A team of experts from the environmental agency and Hamburg Water provides information on heavy rain prevention. The aim is to keep the damage that could be caused by heavy rain events in the city as low as possible.

Apply for financial grants for investments to diversify agricultural businesses

Under certain circumstances, you can receive funding if you want to expand your farm to include non-agricultural income.

Apply for an exemption from the fishing license requirement for people with disabilities

As a person with a disability, you can apply for an exemption from the fishing license requirement.

Show the inclusion of a company for keeping laying hens

If you intend to start a business for keeping laying hens, you must notify the responsible authority in advance. You will then receive an identification number for your company.

Approval of starting material for the production of forest reproductive material Grant

If you want to sell forest reproductive material, you must apply for approval for your reproductive material in advance.

Apply for approval as a qualified person for the inspection of wastewater pretreatment plants approved by the general building authorities

If you, as a qualified person, want to carry out investigations into wastewater pretreatment plants, you must first apply for authorization.

Notification of payout prices and quantities of cattle for slaughter

If you run a slaughterhouse that is subject to reporting requirements, you must report your prices for slaughter quantities in the relevant categories and trade classes to the responsible authority.

Apply for approval as control bodies in organic farming limited to one federal state

If you want to operate a private inspection body for organic farming, you need a license.

Soil protection and contaminated sites

Numerous plots of land are dangerous for people and the environment, which should be systematically eliminated as part of the contaminated site processing. Would you like to know more? Then follow the links below.

Landscape maintenance in Hamburg

Nature conservation compensation for interventions by special funds for nature conservation and landscape conservation

protected areas online

On the interactive map you will find all of Hamburg's protected areas with aerial views, photos and further information.

Biotope protection in Hamburg

Hamburg is characterized by a high diversity of habitats for wild plant species and wild animal species. Almost 10% of Hamburg's land area is under nature protection.

The App -Of course Hamburg!-

In informative tours, the free app guides you with your smartphone through nature reserves in Hamburg.

Infohaus Duvenstedter Brook (BrookHus)

Would you like more information about the Infohaus Duvenstedter Brook (BrookHus)

Research centers for biowaste

Would you like information on the quality requirements of inspection bodies within the framework of recycling management/waste laws?

Apply for proof of collective disposal

Are you subject to the obligation to provide evidence for hazardous waste and do not want to take part in the electronic verification process? Then you can organize disposal using a collective disposal certificate from a carrier.

Ballast water - indication for initiation

With this service you can display and check the discharge of ballast water.

Apply for approval for interventions in nature and landscape

If you want to carry out a project that changes the use or shape of the surrounding area and that can significantly affect the natural environment or the landscape, you usually need an intervention permit.

Apply for a waste disposal number

In order to clearly assign your waste disposal sites, you must provide the establishment numbers issued by the responsible authority.

Infohaus Fischbeker Heide (sheepfold)

Would you like more information about the Fischbeker Heide information center (sheepfold)?

City cleaning complaint

Are you looking to make a complaint about Hamburg's city cleaning department?

Submit proof of disposal using the privileged procedure

Under certain conditions, you can use the privileged procedure for your disposal certificate.

Apply for a waste producer number

In order to clearly assign your waste production sites, you must indicate the establishment numbers issued to you in all waste law procedures. You must apply for the company numbers from the responsible authority.

Plant species protection - Plant species register

All flowering and fern plants as well as the mosses, stoneworts and red algae occurring here were mapped to check their occurrence and their risk situation. Red lists and species support programs exist for all of these plant groups.

Submit proof of collective disposal using the privileged procedure

Under certain conditions, you can use the privileged procedure for your collective disposal certificate.

Officially confirmed proof of disposal has been received

Are you subject to the obligation to provide proof of hazardous waste and must have proof of disposal approved? Then, under certain conditions, you will need an officially confirmed proof of disposal.

Intervention and compensation measures in nature conservation

Interventions in nature and their compensation

Stock display reptile passport

International protection of species (CITES)


Here you will find contact details for insect advice for wild bees and wasps

Show the start of a waste management activity

If you collect or transport waste or want to trade waste, you must report the activity to the responsible authority.

Infiltration of rainwater - subject to authorization

Under certain conditions, the infiltration of rainwater is a technically simple and cost-effective alternative to rainwater drainage.

Appoint a company representative for water protection

Certain persons and companies that discharge wastewater or operate wastewater treatment plants are obliged to appoint one or more company officers for water protection.

Environmental audit - EMAS

With the European environmental management system EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), companies of all industries and sizes can build a bridge between economic and sustainable action.

Flow rate reporting groundwater

Here you can report the groundwater flow rates from your private well online.

Submit wastewater volume report

Would you like to submit a wastewater volume report (online)? Then read on here.

RISA - RegenInfrastructureAdaptation

Information on responsible use of rainwater.

View community or commercial waste collections

Would you like to collect usable waste, so-called recyclables, from private households for non-profit or commercial purposes? Then you must report this to the responsible authority before starting your collection.

State bird sanctuary

Did you know? 160 bird species breed with over 400,000 breeding pairs here in Hamburg

Hornets, bumblebees

Here you will find contact details for insect advice for bumblebees, hornets, wild bees and wasps

Hamburg species register

Are you interested in the occurrence of certain animal species in the Hamburg city area? Numerous observation data are collected in a database in the Hamburg species register.

Announcement of experts for safety tests according to the Federal Immission Control Act

Would you like to have the start of work announced as an expert organization for safety tests according to the Federal Immission Control Act? Application for notification of experts and bodies according to the notification ordinance.

Apply for a waste transport permit

You need a permit to collect and transport hazardous waste.

Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park

The Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park has existed since 1990 and is the smallest of the three Wadden Sea National Parks. However, it has the largest 'wilderness' portion of its area (over 90%).

Reduce wastewater charges

A wastewater charge is levied for discharging wastewater into surface water or groundwater. The wastewater charge you pay can be offset against certain investments you have made if certain conditions are met.

Show AwSV attachments for the first time

Would you like to register for a facility for handling water-polluting substances for the first time? Then you can do that with an online service.

Get information on groundwater protection

Groundwater protection includes all measures to preserve and safeguard the quality and quantity of groundwater. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to discharge wastewater directly into water bodies

Do you want to discharge wastewater (sewage or rainwater) into a surface water body? Then you can apply for a water law permit.

View private garden irrigation fountain

If you want to install a garden irrigation fountain in the garden of your private home, you must inform the responsible authority.

Show population of specially protected vertebrates

If you keep vertebrates of specially protected species, you must report the start of keeping them, the termination of keeping them or changes to the population to the responsible authority.

Waste and disposal - electronic waste detection procedure (eANV)

Since April 1st, 2010, the electronic waste verification procedure with a qualified electronic signature of the parties involved has been mandatory as verification procedure for the disposal of hazardous waste.

Hamburg learns sustainability

Hamburg Learns Sustainability (HLN) is an association of Hamburg authorities, institutions, associations, networks and people who are active in educational work for sustainable development.

Hamburg's parks

Embark on a digital foray through Hamburg's parks!

Project - Pollutant remediation Elbe sediments

Would you like to find out more about sediment management, specifically about the ELSA funding project? Then please read on and follow the links.

Apply for permission to abstract and discharge water from surface waters

If you want to extract or divert water from surface waters, you must apply for a water law permit from the responsible water authority.

Apply for water law permit for groundwater lowering

Would you like to temporarily lower the groundwater level on a property? Then please read on here.

Flood Risk Management

Knowledge helps protect

Fish death and water pollution

Are you wondering what to do if fish kills occur in large numbers?

Groundwater level - BUKEA

The authority for the environment, climate, energy and agriculture provides an overview of this topic below.

Jetty waters (permit)

You are looking for a contact person for the Inner and Outer Alster.

Decommissioning of a genetic engineering facility

As an operator, you must notify the responsible authority of the closure of a genetic engineering facility.

Waste and Disposal - Incineration of garden waste

The burning of garden waste and the burning of other wood waste (garden fences, timber, pallets) is not permitted.

Disposal of old medicines

Old medicines must be disposed of in the household rubbish bin. They must not be disposed of down the toilet.

Apply for an exemption from the submission of an emission declaration for landfills

If you, as the operator of a landfill, are obliged to submit an emissions declaration, you can be exempted from the obligation to submit an emissions declaration under certain conditions.

Show appointment of an emission control officer

If you have newly appointed or dismissed an emissions control officer or if there have been changes in his or her area of responsibility, you must report this to the responsible emissions control authority.

View geological survey

If you want to take measures to obtain data about the geological subsurface, you must declare this.

Wastewater permits

On the website you will find forms for the most important water/waste water procedures.

Show heating oil consumer systems

Operators of a heating oil consumer system must report the construction and operation. This notification obligation applies to heating oil consumer systems in private households if they are located within water protection or flood areas.

Current measured values for bathing water

Are you looking for information about the condition of Hamburg's bathing waters?

Nature conservation in Hamburg

Discover the natural treasures in Hamburg

Apply for appointment as an expert for long-term storage in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance

If you want to work as an expert or expert for long-term storage in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance, you must be appointed to do so by the responsible authority.

Large-scale nature conservation project - naturally Hamburg

For Hamburg, of course! nature reserves, parks and other green areas have been selected throughout Hamburg.