If you want to run a breeding or multiplication business for domestic poultry or a hatchery, you must register with the competent authority upon application.
Do you extract water from a surface water body or groundwater, or do you extract or divert groundwater? In this case, you have to pay a fee to the relevant federal state.
If you wish to be commissioned as an expert to carry out safety inspections and inspections of safety documents, you must apply to the competent authority for notification as an expert.
If you want to change a groundwater abstraction for which you have a permit under water law, you must apply to the responsible authority for a permit change.
A team of experts from the environmental agency and Hamburg Water provides information on heavy rain prevention. The aim is to keep the damage that could be caused by heavy rain events in the city as low as possible.
If you intend to start a business for keeping laying hens, you must notify the responsible authority in advance. You will then receive an identification number for your company.
If you run a slaughterhouse that is subject to reporting requirements, you must report your prices for slaughter quantities in the relevant categories and trade classes to the responsible authority.
Numerous plots of land are dangerous for people and the environment, which should be systematically eliminated as part of the contaminated site processing. Would you like to know more? Then follow the links below.
Hamburg is characterized by a high diversity of habitats for wild plant species and wild animal species. Almost 10% of Hamburg's land area is under nature protection.
Are you subject to the obligation to provide evidence for hazardous waste and do not want to take part in the electronic verification process? Then you can organize disposal using a collective disposal certificate from a carrier.
If you want to carry out a project that changes the use or shape of the surrounding area and that can significantly affect the natural environment or the landscape, you usually need an intervention permit.
In order to clearly assign your waste production sites, you must indicate the establishment numbers issued to you in all waste law procedures. You must apply for the company numbers from the responsible authority.
All flowering and fern plants as well as the mosses, stoneworts and red algae occurring here were mapped to check their occurrence and their risk situation. Red lists and species support programs exist for all of these plant groups.
Are you subject to the obligation to provide proof of hazardous waste and must have proof of disposal approved? Then, under certain conditions, you will need an officially confirmed proof of disposal.
Certain persons and companies that discharge wastewater or operate wastewater treatment plants are obliged to appoint one or more company officers for water protection.
With the European environmental management system EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), companies of all industries and sizes can build a bridge between economic and sustainable action.
Would you like to collect usable waste, so-called recyclables, from private households for non-profit or commercial purposes? Then you must report this to the responsible authority before starting your collection.
Are you interested in the occurrence of certain animal species in the Hamburg city area? Numerous observation data are collected in a database in the Hamburg species register.
Would you like to have the start of work announced as an expert organization for safety tests according to the Federal Immission Control Act? Application for notification of experts and bodies according to the notification ordinance.
The Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park has existed since 1990 and is the smallest of the three Wadden Sea National Parks. However, it has the largest 'wilderness' portion of its area (over 90%).
A wastewater charge is levied for discharging wastewater into surface water or groundwater. The wastewater charge you pay can be offset against certain investments you have made if certain conditions are met.
If you keep vertebrates of specially protected species, you must report the start of keeping them, the termination of keeping them or changes to the population to the responsible authority.
Since April 1st, 2010, the electronic waste verification procedure with a qualified electronic signature of the parties involved has been mandatory as verification procedure for the disposal of hazardous waste.
Hamburg Learns Sustainability (HLN) is an association of Hamburg authorities, institutions, associations, networks and people who are active in educational work for sustainable development.
If you, as the operator of a landfill, are obliged to submit an emissions declaration, you can be exempted from the obligation to submit an emissions declaration under certain conditions.
If you have newly appointed or dismissed an emissions control officer or if there have been changes in his or her area of responsibility, you must report this to the responsible emissions control authority.
Operators of a heating oil consumer system must report the construction and operation. This notification obligation applies to heating oil consumer systems in private households if they are located within water protection or flood areas.
If you want to work as an expert or expert for long-term storage in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance, you must be appointed to do so by the responsible authority.