Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Federal"

100 Services found for "Federal"

Get polling station finder and general information about the polling station (federal election)

Here you can find your polling station for the federal election on February 23, 2025.

Report a move to Hamburg from another federal state

If you move to Hamburg from another federal state, you must register. You must also register if you move to a new main or secondary residence in Hamburg.

Federal Building Department

Building for the federal government is exciting and varied in Hamburg: we examine and accompany every construction project in which the federal government is financially involved in Hamburg.

Spätaussiedler applications Federal Expellees Act

The admission of people who are still affected by the consequences of the Second World War and its side effects because of their German ethnicity is regulated in the Federal Expellees Act (BVFG). The legislature has set the number of repatriates ...

Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the recognition of professional qualifications based on an agreement with the Federal Employment Agency

You can have your residence permit extended for the recognition of your professional qualifications based on an agreement with the Federal Employment Agency if you meet certain requirements.

Federal Finance Directorate North

The Federal Finance Directorate (BFD) North is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Finance as an intermediate authority. It fulfills a bridging and support function. It is divided into two departments. The Central Specialist Unit, ZF, has ...

Apply for an extension of a residence permit for the purpose of employment to participate in the Federal Voluntary Service

If you have a temporary residence permit to participate in a Federal Voluntary Service and would like to continue the Federal Voluntary Service beyond the time limit, you can apply for an extension of your residence permit.

Federal Network Agency

The Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways provides information about the German electricity, gas, telecommunications and postal market, the legal basis and important consumer rights in these innovative ...

ID card, status query

You can use the online service ID card/passport application status in the Hamburg Service Portal to find out online whether the ID card or passport you have applied for is ready for collection. For this you need the serial number, which you will find ...

Recognition of school qualifications from other federal states

School-leaving qualifications, authorizations and previous training acquired outside the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg but within Germany may require recognition. They are recognized if the certified achievements meet the requirements of the ...

Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency

The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency provides independent support to people who have experienced discrimination that was racially motivated or because of ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, a disability, age or sexual identity. The body ...

Apply for BAföG for a course of study

You can receive financial support for your studies or internship if your parents do not have a higher income or you have been employed independently for a long time. This support is called BAföG.

Recognition of experts according to the Federal Soil Protection Act

(Hamburg) You can be recognized as an expert for soil protection issues.

Federal-state programs of urban development control and service districts

Improving the quality of life in districts with special development needs through urban planning measures and strengthening social cohesion.

apply for an ID card

If you are a German citizen, you are often required to apply for an identity card.

Recognition of examination centers according to the Federal Soil Protection Act Hamburg

Would you like to provide high-quality services as an expert or inspection body in the EU for tasks under the Federal Soil Protection Act? Then you can apply for official recognition. This serves as proof of qualification for clients

Studied at the Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces

The Helmut Schmidt University is one of the two universities in Germany, which serve the scientific study and the academic education of officers. It increases the attractiveness of the officer profession and is at the same time a source of ...

Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) is an authority within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development with offices in Hamburg and Rostock. With 851 employees and an annual budget of around 69 ...

Apply for a permit using the simplified procedure for a plant under the Federal Immission Control Act

Are you applying for approval of installations using the simplified procedure? You can then obtain a permit from the competent authority to construct and operate facilities of a certain type or size without public participation.

identity card exemption

Exemption from the ID requirement is possible under certain conditions.

Announcement of experts for safety tests according to the Federal Immission Control Act

Would you like to have the start of work announced as an expert organization for safety tests according to the Federal Immission Control Act? Application for notification of experts and bodies according to the notification ordinance.

Central contact point of the Federal Criminal Police Office for people threatened by right-wing extremist violence

The central contact point of the Federal Criminal Police Office for people threatened by right-wing extremist violence receives information from citizens who - see themselves endangered by right-wing extremist violence - are threatened by right ...

ID cards according to the Federal Expellees Act, replacement certificate, issue after loss

If you have lost your identity card under the Federal Expellees Act, you can obtain a replacement certificate.

Apply for approval as control bodies in organic farming limited to one federal state

If you want to operate a private inspection body for organic farming, you need a license.

Apply for permission to transport firearms or ammunition into, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany

If you want to transport weapons, essential parts of weapons or ammunition, you must apply for a permit in advance.

Reset PIN or activate online ID function

You can reset the PIN of your electronic identity card (eID) or have the online ID function activated.

Identity card, electronic proof of identity

The new identity card is still proof of identity. The following data is stored on the chip in the ID card: photograph First and last name, if applicable the name of a religious order and artist birth date address nationality last day of ...

Church tax on investment income

Withholding church tax on final taxed investment income (e.g. interest from banks): Church tax on final taxed investment income has been automatically withheld since January 1, 2015 and paid to the tax-collecting religious communities. Automatic ...

Blocking of the electronic proof of identity

Have you lost your identity card or has it been stolen from you? Then you can have the online ID function blocked.

Application Certificate of Conduct

A certificate of good conduct is a document that shows whether or not you have a criminal record. The certificate of good conduct usually reflects the contents of the German Federal Central Register.

Unblocking of electronic proof of identity

You can have your blocked electronic proof of identity (online ID function) unblocked again.

Apply for an identity card if you are under 16 years of age

If you are younger than 16 years old, your parents or legal guardians can apply for an identity card for you.

Show systems that do not require approval when using organic solvents

If you handle organic solvents in your company, you may have to report the system to the responsible authorities if you exceed an activity-related threshold.

Voting as a person without a fixed address

As a person entitled to vote living in Hamburg without a permanent residence, you can only take part in elections if you register in advance in the register of those entitled to vote.

Display the birth of a child on a German seagoing vessel

If a child is born on a German sea-going vessel, the Registry Office I in Berlin registers the birth.

Surname change due to the declaration of expellees, late resettlers, their spouses and descendants

You acquired your name under foreign law and now want to align it with German law.

Death abroad Certification of deaths on seagoing vessels

You can apply for the subsequent certification of a death on a foreign seagoing vessel in a German death register at the competent German registry office.

Apply for a settlement permit for holders of a residence permit for international, humanitarian or political reasons

If you hold a residence permit for international, humanitarian or political reasons, you can, under certain conditions, receive a permanent settlement permit after five years.

Report facility requiring approval for the first time due to change in law

If you are building or have built a facility and this facility requires approval due to a change in the law, you must notify the responsible authority in a timely manner.

War victims compensation payments

War victim compensation benefits are financial and other support payments for people harmed by war.

Apply for approval to modify a plant for generating electricity from renewable energies (repowering)

If you intend to make changes to a plant that generates electricity from renewable energy sources and requires a permit, you must apply for a permit from the responsible authority.

Apply for approval for a major accident-relevant change to a facility requiring approval

If you want to make important changes to a facility that requires approval, you will need approval

HIBB guest students

Companies that want to have their trainees trained in a vocational school in Hamburg due to a lack of vocational schools in their own federal state can do so by applying to the following offices: Lower Saxony: Lower Saxony State School Authority, ...

Name declarations

Name declarations are made if, for example, after the dissolution of a marriage, naturalization or due to marriage, the surname of a 'patchwork' family changes (name at birth, previous married name, common surname). A double name from maiden name, ...

Attending school, changing school from another country / state

On this page you will find initial information on the subject of changing schools from another country/state.

Apply for approval for a significant change to a facility requiring approval

If you plan to make significant changes to a facility that require a permit, you must apply for a permit.

Apply for a preliminary decision on a facility that requires a permit

If you apply for a preliminary decision regarding a facility requiring approval, the responsible authority can issue this under certain conditions.

Announce changes to training grants

Do you have any financial or personal changes while receiving BAföG? You must inform your responsible BAföG office of these changes. This may lead to an increase or decrease in your monthly subsidy contribution.

War Victims Welfare

War Victims Welfare supports you as a victim or relative of war victims through financial assistance, rehabilitation measures and advice

Apply for approval for the early construction of a system that requires approval

Have you applied for a permit for a facility that requires a permit? Then you can also apply to start construction of the facility early.

Training grants Announce change of personal data

If you receive BAföG, you must notify the Federal Office of Administration (BVA) of certain changes to your personal data.

Show commissioning of a crematorium

If you want to operate a crematorium, you must notify the responsible immission control authority that the cremation system has been put into operation.

Stock display reptile passport

International protection of species (CITES)

Report a change to a facility requiring approval

If you wish to make a change to a facility for which you have not yet applied for approval, you must notify the responsible authority.

Display incident-relevant changes to an operating area in advance

Do you want to change an operating area according to the Major Accident Ordinance or a facility in the operating area that is relevant to major accidents? Then you must notify the responsible authority.

Indicate in advance the construction of an operating area relevant to an incident

Do you want to set up and operate an operating area in accordance with the Major Accident Ordinance? Then you must notify the responsible authority.

Submit emissions declaration according to 11th BlmSchV

As the operator of certain systems that require approval, you are obliged to declare the air emissions emitted by your systems.

Apply for approval for the construction and operation of plants

If you want to set up or operate systems that can damage the environment to a particular extent or endanger the general public, you need a permit.

Show population of specially protected vertebrates

If you keep vertebrates of specially protected species, you must report the start of keeping them, the termination of keeping them or changes to the population to the responsible authority.

Apply for a partial permit to construct and operate a facility requiring a permit

If you want to set up or operate a part of the plant that can damage the environment to a particular extent or endanger the general public, you need a partial permit.

Show appointment of an emission control officer

If you have newly appointed or dismissed an emissions control officer or if there have been changes in his or her area of responsibility, you must report this to the responsible emissions control authority.

Apply for a training grant to attend a training center abroad

Do you want to study abroad, do an internship or start school? Find out more about financial support in the area of BAföG here.

Tax identification number, allocation (BZSt)

With the introduction of the tax identification number (IdNr), the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Government want to simplify the taxation process and reduce bureaucracy.

Large-scale nature conservation project - naturally Hamburg

For Hamburg, of course! nature reserves, parks and other green areas have been selected throughout Hamburg.

Report safety report of upper class operating areas according to Major Accident Ordinance

New or updated safety reports from upper class operating areas must be submitted to the responsible authority for review.

War Victims Welfare Grant for surviving dependents

If you are granted care as a surviving dependent under the Federal Welfare Act or in accordance with this law, you can receive additional welfare benefits as special assistance in individual cases.

Report the accident-relevant construction and operation or an accident-relevant change to a facility that does not require approval

If you are planning construction work or changes to a facility that does not require a permit that could be significant for an incident, you must notify us in advance.

Welfare for war victims grant for injured persons

If you are granted care under the Federal Pensions Act or in accordance with this Act, you can receive supplementary welfare benefits as special assistance in individual cases.

Measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants Acceptance at large combustion plants, gas turbines and combustion engine plants

If you operate a large combustion plant, gas turbine or internal combustion engine plant, you must continuously determine, record and evaluate pollutant emissions through continuous measurements.

EU programs and legal issues relating to urban development funding

Projects with EU funding are also implemented in RISE funding areas.

RESY - On-call and first-call information system

Here you can find more information about RESY?

Apply for BAföG to attend school

You can receive financial support for your school attendance from class 10 or for your school education. This support (social benefit) is called BAföG.

Apply for a permit under the accident prevention law for the construction and operation or modification of a facility that does not require a permit

If you construct or make a change to a facility that is part of an operating area and does not require a permit, and which has major accident-related effects, you will need a permit.