IASON page

Name declarations


Detailed description

Name declarations are made if, for example, after the dissolution of a marriage, naturalization or due to marriage, the surname of a 'patchwork' family changes (name at birth, previous married name, common surname). A double name from maiden name, married name or earlier married name is also possible, the order is variable.



Documents required

Please inquire by phone in advance.

Please note

Due to the wide range of options, a telephone consultation is required in advance.

The name declaration can be recorded in any registry office and is then forwarded to the responsible registry office.


35,50 EUR plus certificates

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Keywords: Re-acceptance of previous name after divorce Determination of a married name Adding a name to the married name Marriage name determination Naming in marriage Name declaration according to § 94 of the Federal Expellees and Refugees Act Maiden names Birth name Subsequent determination of a married name Change of name after marriage / divorce Sorting declaration Sorting first names Change order of first names Section 45b Declaration on gender information and first names for people with variants of gender development Divers, civil status

Last updated: 05.02.2025