Are you planning to start construction that has already been approved or does not require approval, or to begin demolishing a building that requires notification? Then you must notify the relevant authority.
In order to obtain clarity about planning-relevant aspects of a construction project at an early stage, you can apply for a preliminary building permit.
You must notify the authority for urban development and housing, office for building regulations and building construction (ABH 33) of construction sites of a certain size at least two weeks before they are set up.
If there is no generally valid approval for your construction product, you can apply for approval on a case-by-case basis. If there is no generally valid type approval for your type of construction, you can apply for a project-specific type approval.
With this online service, you can apply for a special permit for the operation of noisy machines and devices on construction sites at night, as well as on Sundays and public holidays.
The responsible authority is responsible for pollution control on construction sites. This includes emissions such as construction noise, dust and light emissions.