License plates must be replaced as soon as possible. Your vehicle will then be given a new license plate combination to prevent misuse. The old license plate will also be put on the wanted list and blocked for ten years.
In the event of damage, theft or loss of the registration certificate Part I (vehicle registration), a new replacement document can be issued by the Landesbetrieb Verkehr (LBV). If you want to sell your vehicle and the registration certificate part I ...
If both parts of the registration certificate have to be replaced, the replacement documents can only be issued once the procedure for issuing the registration certificates Part I and Part II (display of the registration certificates) has been ...
If the registration certificate part I (vehicle registration) has been lost, a replacement document must be requested. If the vehicle has been sold without a registration certificate part I (vehicle registration document), then the registration to ...
License plates that have been damaged or have become illegible must be replaced. This also applies to damaged badges. License plates that are deformed, for example, can also be replaced. The license plate on the front bears the approval badge with ...
In the event of damage, theft or loss of the registration certificate part II (vehicle registration document), a new replacement document can be issued by the Landesbetrieb Verkehr (LBV).
If the operating license (individual operating license) of a vehicle is lost or stolen, a new operating license must be issued. In the event of theft, a theft report must be submitted to the police immediately
Every employer is informed electronically of the wage tax deduction features of his employees (exception: see link to hardship application). Paper certificates (income tax card, replacement certificate) are usually no longer relevant. For ...
Drivers who use their vehicle for the commercial transport of people bear a great deal of responsibility for their passengers and their documents. If you are in possession of a passenger transport ticket, you must always carry it with you and, if you ...
If the driver, company or workshop card is lost or stolen, you must apply for a new card. The following applies to the driver card: A maximum of fifteen calendar days may be driven without the driver card, during this period a manual printout must be ...
If your driving license is lost or stolen, you can apply for a new document. In addition to the State Transport Authority, this service is also offered at the special City location.
If you have been diagnosed with a degree of disability of at least 50, you can apply for a severely disabled person's pass. If your severely disabled person's pass expires or you have lost it, you can apply for a new one.
As an impaired person (injured person or injured party), you will receive, upon application, medical treatment for health impairments that are recognized as the result of an injury or that have been caused by a recognized consequence of an injury.
In certain cases, employees are obliged to submit an income tax return without prior request by the tax office, because the actual annual tax liability can only be determined by means of an assessment. This is the case, for example, when the ...