
27 Services found for "Household"

Disposal of household waste

Waste disposal from private households and thus also residual waste from private households is the responsibility of the respective public waste disposal authority. In Hamburg, the Hamburg city cleaning department is responsible for this as the ... Continue

Register as a neighborhood or household help in Hamburg

If you would like to register as a neighborhood or household help in Hamburg, you can find more information here Continue

Change tax class after resumption of marital or civil partnership

If you are no longer permanently separated from your spouse/partner, you are again entitled to the tax class combination III/V, IV/IV or IV/IV with a factor. Continue

ELSTER (electronic tax return)

ELStAM, employer, hardship regulation

The tax authorities offer employers who are unable and for whom it is unreasonable to electronically access the wage tax deduction features of their employees a substitute procedure (so-called 'hardship rule'). For this purpose, the employer must ... Continue

Mini job center for private households

Mini-jobs in private households are a special form of marginal employment and are particularly encouraged by the legislature. The mini-jobber takes on these household-related services that family members normally carry out. The employer pays lower ... Continue

Disposal of old medicines

Old medicines must be disposed of in the household rubbish bin. They must not be disposed of down the toilet. Continue

Waste and Disposal - Display of non-profit and commercial waste collections from private households

Would you like to collect non-profit or commercial waste, so-called recyclable materials, from private households? If so, you must report this to the competent authority at least three months before the start of the collection. Continue

Hardship aid for non-connected energy sources for private households

Starting May 2, 2023, private households that heat with oil or other energy sources that are not connected to the grid can apply for hardship aid retrospectively for 2022. The help can be requested via an online portal. Continue

Change of residence, coordination

People who live in Hamburg and are looking for a smaller, more suitable apartment can find contact details here. Continue

Apply for loans in certain acute emergency situations

If you receive citizen benefit, you can apply for a loan from the job center in acute emergency situations if you cannot raise an amount that actually has to be covered from the standard requirement yourself and you cannot postpone the payment either. Continue

apply for citizenship

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