The energy price flat rate of EUR 300.00 is intended to compensate for the currently high energy prices. In order to receive the energy price flat rate, you must meet certain requirements.
A wastewater charge is levied for discharging wastewater into surface water or groundwater. The wastewater charge you pay can be offset against certain investments you have made if certain conditions are met.
A team of experts from the environmental agency and Hamburg Water provides information on heavy rain prevention. The aim is to keep the damage that could be caused by heavy rain events in the city as low as possible.
You can apply for funding from the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB Hamburg) for your company for voluntary projects that lead to greater resource efficiency in operational processes.
You can submit a new application for higher housing benefit while you are still receiving housing benefit if your income decreases has increased the number of household members to be considered, or Have increased your rent or charge.
If the housing benefit office becomes aware of changes in the circumstances that are not just temporary, a new decision must be made on the housing benefit.
If you are currently receiving housing benefit your income, the number of household members to be considered or your rent or encumbrance change, you are obliged to inform us immediately.
The remuneration from employment in the transition area is fully taxable and taxable according to the individual wage tax deduction criteria (ELStAM). Employees with an employment relationship in the transitional area are subject to compulsory ...
By taking allowances into account in the wage tax deduction criteria, the wage tax that the employer has to withhold from the employee's wages is reduced.
Parental contributions for attending daycare centers are due for care times of six hours or more per day and are staggered according to income level, family size, age group and extent of care.