
Apply for grants for projects to protect the climate and resources and to reduce emissions

In order to open up potential savings in energy, water and raw materials, the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB Hamburg) supports voluntary projects in companies that lead to more resource efficiency in operational processes.

Important notes


  • Hamburg companies are supported.
  • Subsidies are awarded for the resource and climate protection effect achieved.
  • Projects must go beyond legal requirements.
  • The subsidy must not fall short of an amortization period of two years.
  • The application for funding must be submitted before the start of the project.

Documents required

See online application company for resource protection.

Please note

Contact company for resource protection

Advice on energy efficiency projects, the promotion of investment measures and the TechnikChecks can be obtained from IFB Hamburg at:

Hamburg Investment and Development Bank
Economy and Environment Department
Besenbinderhof 31, 20097 Hamburg
Tel .: 040 - 24 84 6 580

The contact persons at the BUE will answer your questions about the networks:

Environment and Energy Authority
Energy transition in the economy
Neuenfelder Strasse 19, 21109 Hamburg

Tel .: 040 - 428 40 - 3481

Network refrigeration efficiency Hamburg



Procedure & Fees


  • Contact the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank for an initial meeting.
    • by phone: 040 24846-580
    • by email:
  • In a discussion with experts from the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank, you will clarify the eligibility of your investment project.
  • Submit your application on the appropriate form and submit it together with all the necessary documents and a detailed savings calculation.
  • Your application will then be checked by the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank.

Processing time

not specified



Legal notes

Legal remedies

Objections to notifications can be made within one month.

Legal basis

Designation: Funding guideline for companies for resource protection


Service description

The funding program "UfR - companies for resource protection" supports you in the implementation of voluntary projects in your company that lead to more resource efficiency in the operational process. This enables you to tap savings potential in the areas of energy, water and raw materials.
The funding program aims to ensure that voluntary investment projects lead to environmental relief. Funding is therefore based on the tonnes of CO2 or CO2 equivalents avoided or cubic meters of water saved each year.
The funding amount is determined in the
Funding priorities 2-7 on avoiding the
CO2 emissions. Regardless apply in relation
on the eligible costs the following maximum
permissible funding intensities (funding to
eligible costs):

  • in funding priority 1 (efficiency checks) a maximum of 50 percent,
  • in funding priority 2 (energy efficiency) a maximum of 30 percent,
  • in funding priority 3 (material efficiency and water) a maximum of 40 percent,
  • in funding priority 4 (renewable energies for process heating/cooling) a maximum of 45 or 30 percent, this depends on the method used to determine the additional investment costs,
  • in funding priority 5 (unavoidable waste heat) for additional investment costs related to improving environmental protection, a maximum of 40 percent,
  • in funding priority 5 (unavoidable waste heat) for generation plants at most 45 percent and for investments in the distribution network at most the difference between the eligible costs and the operating profit, but no more than 50 percent,
  • in funding priority 6 (decarbonising production) a maximum of 40 percent
  • in funding priority 7 (flexible use of energy) a maximum of 40 percent
The amount of funding can be adjusted for micro, small and medium-sized companies in priority areas 2 (energy efficiency), 3 (material efficiency and water), 6 (production
decarbonize) and 7 (flexible use of energy) by 10 percentage points and in funding priority 4 (renewable energies for process heating/cooling) by 5 percentage points.

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