Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Beurkundung"

23 Services found for "Beurkundung"

Recognizing motherhood

Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary for you to have it publicly certified that you are the mother of your child.

Acknowledge paternity

Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary for you to have it publicly certified that you are the father of your child.

Declare paternity recognition

Do you have or are you going to have a child and the child's father does not want to acknowledge his paternity or is unknown? Then you can get advice and support.

Request a certificate of sole custody

Do you have sole custody of your child and need a certificate (negative certificate) about this? Find out more here.

End assistance

You have applied for guardianship for your child and no longer need it? Then you can end the guardianship.

Apply for legal assistance to establish paternity

If the father of your child does not want to acknowledge paternity or is unknown, you can receive support from the guardianship office.

Receive advice and assistance in asserting maintenance claims

Are you a single parent and are you not getting enough money or no money from the other parent for your child? Then you can get advice and support from the youth welfare office.

Request information from the custody register

If you, as the mother of a child, require a certificate regarding the extent of your custody rights, you can request information from the custody register.

Explain joint custody of a child

If you as parents are not married to each other when your child is born, you can obtain joint custody by submitting both declarations of custody.

Check maintenance claims against a person living abroad and forward them to the relevant authorities

If the other parent lives abroad and does not pay maintenance to you, you can assert your maintenance claim abroad. You can get support in enforcing your maintenance claim.

death notice

Registration of a death

Death certificates, international

The registry office of the event location (death registry) is responsible for issuing civil status documents. For current deaths, please select the service - death notifications.

Apply for a death certificate for a family member

In the event of death, as a relative of the deceased, you can apply for a death certificate.

Death certificates

There has been a death in your family and you now need a death certificate.

Re-certification of a death abroad

Properly issued death certificates from abroad are generally recognized in Germany. There is no obligation to re-authenticate. Subsequent entry in the death register can, however, be advantageous because the local registry office can then issue you a ...

Obtain a certificate of miscarriage

You can report a miscarriage to the registry office. If you wish, the registry office will issue you with a certificate of the miscarriage.

Announcement of a birth

You must report the birth of a child to the responsible registry office.

Applying for subsequent registration of a birth abroad by Germans without a domestic residence

If you or your child were born abroad, the birth can be recorded in the German birth register.

Display the birth of a child on a German seagoing vessel

If a child is born on a German sea-going vessel, the Registry Office I in Berlin registers the birth.

Report birth of a child by institutions

If a child is born in your facility, you must report this to the responsible registry office.

Death abroad Certification of deaths on seagoing vessels

You can apply for the subsequent certification of a death on a foreign seagoing vessel in a German death register at the competent German registry office.

Apply for registration of a birth abroad

Were you or another family member born abroad? Then you can have the birth subsequently registered in the birth register at your local registry office.

Conversion of a civil partnership into a marriage

Persons living in a registered civil partnership have been able to convert this into a marriage since October 1, 2017.