
13 Services found for "Inquiries"

Obtain vehicle owner information

Information can only be obtained from the local vehicle register if there is a need to pursue legal claims for traffic-related reasons. A legitimate interest in connection with road traffic must be proven (e.g. after a traffic accident, the injured ... Continue

ELBE +, the portal for line inquiries in Hamburg

For line inquiries in Hamburg and the surrounding area, you've come to the right place. Continue

BauWeiser ELBE+

Bicycle officer

Topics of the bicycle officer: Cycle path concepts, cycle routes, citizen and political inquiries on the subject of bicycle traffic. The topics do not include: Maintenance of cycle paths, such as holes or breaks in cycle paths, missing signs, ... Continue

District court, dunning request - general inquiries, information center

The joint dunning court in Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is responsible for issuing dunning and enforcement notices as well as processing contradictions. Payment in installments can only be approved by the applicant (creditor) . Since ... Continue

ELSTER, Elster account inquiry

The Elster account inquiry offers every taxpayer or his tax advisor the possibility of obtaining information from his own tax account or the client's tax account (debit positions, payments and claims) via the Internet with certain query options. The ... Continue

Marketing and utilization of all dispensable urban areas

Inquiries about vacant urban plots whose sale is intended / possible will be answered (e.g. residential, commercial and residential building sites). Continue

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