
35 Services found for "Requirement"

Identification requirement, exemption

In some cases, people can exceptionally be exempted from the general identification requirement. Continue

POS systems, obligation to issue receipts

Since 01/01/2020, the obligation to issue receipts has been in effect for every entrepreneur who uses an electronic recording system. electronic recording systems are electronic or computerized cash register systems. From 01/01/2020 to 09/30/2020 ... Continue

Exceptions to the fishing license requirement

If you want to fish, you must have a fishing license. However, an exception to this rule may be made in certain circumstances. Continue

Vocational advancement training Certify the admission requirement

In order for your professional advancement training to be funded by the Advancement BAföG, you must provide evidence of your previous qualifications. Continue

Apply for exemption from the license requirement as an insurance intermediary

If you would like to work as an independent product-related insurance broker, you can be exempted from the license requirement for insurance brokers. Continue

Exemption from the permit requirement according to explosives law

If you handle explosive substances or want to operate traffic in a commercial area and you already have a permit for these offenses under the Weapons Act, you do not need a permit under the Explosives Act. Continue

Apply for exemption from the permit requirement for discharging wastewater into private wastewater plants

Would you like to discharge commercial wastewater into a private wastewater plant and be exempt from the permit requirement? You must then submit an application for exemption from the approval requirement to the responsible authority. Continue

register marriage

If you want to get married, you must first register the marriage at the registry office. Continue

Housing maintenance, housing defects, minimum requirements and repairs

If you are affected by a defect in your living space that the owner does not remedy, you can report the matter to us. Continue

Apply for express passport

The delivery time for a passport is usually at least 2 weeks. If you need a passport at short notice, you can apply for the passport in an express procedure. Continue

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