Do you want to start your professional life as a teenager? If so, you must be examined by a doctor before starting work. For this you need a so-called examination authorization certificate, which you can get from the responsible district office.
The Office for Occupational Safety has the legal mandate to monitor occupational safety in Hamburg companies and to advise and support companies in occupational health and safety.
Would you like to work as an occupational therapist in Germany? Then you need a state permit. You can have your foreign professional qualification recognised.
Would you like to work as an occupational therapist in Germany? Then you need a state permit. To obtain the state permit, you can have your foreign professional qualification recognized.
If you have successfully completed your state examination as an occupational therapist, you can apply for your professional license (certificate) here.
Has the use of certain work equipment resulted in damage to certain equipment or injury to a person in your company or building? You must report this to the relevant authority.
As an impaired person (injured person or injured party), you will receive, upon application, medical treatment for health impairments that are recognized as the result of an injury or that have been caused by a recognized consequence of an injury.
Would you like to work in a healthcare profession in Germany? Then you need a state permit. You can have your foreign professional qualification recognised.
If you, as an entrepreneur, work from home for which special hazard protection regulations apply, you must submit a report to the responsible trade inspectorate and the regulatory office.