Care assistance is a need-based social benefit that you can receive to support yourself as a person in need of care who cannot cover the necessary care costs from your own resources.
If you, as a guardian, want to carry out certain legal, financial and commercial transactions for your ward (person under guardianship), you must first obtain permission from the family court.
To work as a security guard, insurance advisor, insurance broker, financial investment broker, honorary financial investment advisor or real estate loan broker, you need a certificate of competence or recognition of your foreign professional ...
If you suffer damage to your health in Germany as a result of an intentional, unlawful physical attack, for example physical injury, you can apply for benefits with regard to this damage to your health.
Terrorist financing is the financing of terrorist organizations from legal sources and funds obtained through criminal activities, such as money laundering. Money laundering is used to smuggle illegally earned money into the legal financial and ...
As a person with a disability, you can receive advice and support on issues related to working life. If you employ people with disabilities, you can also receive advice and support with employment.
The State of Hamburg finances the so-called cross-sectional tasks to be carried out by the recognized care associations in accordance with Section 15 Paragraph 1 BtOG.
Do you receive a maintenance advance? The maintenance advance office checks annually whether all the requirements for entitlement to a maintenance advance are still met.