Detailed description
Although the recipient of this benefit is not the deceased but the person obliged to bear the costs in accordance with Section 74 of the Social Code Book XII, the responsibility for covering the funeral costs depends on the circumstances of the deceased person:
With regard to jurisdiction, a special regulation has been made in Section 98 Paragraph 3 of the Social Code Book XII.
The local authority responsible for covering the funeral costs is therefore the social welfare agency that provided social assistance up to the death of the recipient or, secondarily, in whose area the place of death is located.
- If a deceased person in Hamburg received social assistance until death,
then the district social services office that has previously provided assistance is also responsible for approving the benefit in accordance with Section 74 SGB XII. - If someone died in Hamburg, was registered in Hamburg, but did not receive any social assistance until his death,
then the district social services office in whose area the deceased was registered is responsible. - If someone died in Hamburg, was not registered in Hamburg and received social assistance from a foreign social assistance provider until death,
then this institution is also responsible for approving the § 74 SGB XII benefit. - If someone died in Hamburg, never had a registered address in Hamburg and was not receiving social assistance,
then the district office of Hamburg-Mitte (M/GS 8) is responsible for approving the benefit. - If someone was placed in a facility / home (with the exception of Hamburg nursing homes) by the Hamburg social welfare agency and died there,
then the Social Services Centre 11 in the Eimsbüttel District Office, Grindelberg 62-66, 20144 Hamburg, is the office responsible for approving the benefit in accordance with Section 74 SGB XII. - The same applies if someone was accommodated in Hamburg by a foreign social welfare agency and died there:
In this case, the external social welfare agency is responsible as the office keeping the records,
If you are obliged to bury a deceased person and cannot be expected to bear the necessary costs, you can submit an application for reimbursement of the funeral costs.
The burial of the deceased person must be arranged in the following order:
- the spouse or registered life partner,
- the children,
- the grandchildren,
- the parents,
- the grandparents
- and the siblings.
If it was contractually agreed during the deceased person's lifetime who was to arrange the burial, this person must arrange the burial regardless of the public burial obligation.