Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Steuerverwaltung"

8 Services found for "Steuerverwaltung"

Tax advisor examination

Successfully passing the tax consultant exam is a prerequisite for appointment as a tax consultant.

Complaint management, tax administration

In addition to objection and legal action, it is also possible to take extraordinary legal remedies. In addition to the petition (written submission) to the German Bundestag or the Hamburg citizenry, this also includes personal supervisory complaints ...

SEPA procedure, tax administration

SEPA means Single Euro Payments Area and stands for the uniform payment area within the European Union and Iceland, Monaco, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Since the mandatory changeover to SEPA, the bank details of the tax office in Hamburg ...

Studied at the North German Academy for Finance and Tax Law Hamburg

The North German Academy for Finance and Tax Law Hamburg (NoA) serves to train tax officials for a career in the higher service in the tax administration of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. It was founded in 2010 and is the successor ...