
10 Services found for "Surname"

Determination or change of the child's surname

The surname of your child can be changed under certain conditions at the competent registry office. Continue

Surname changes

A name change under public law is only possible if there is an important reason. It serves to remove any inconveniences in individual cases. The name change is exceptional. An intensive, telephone consultation before submitting the application is essential. Continue

Change of surname due to the declaration on the name of life partners

There are many options when it comes to determining the name. In some cases, special features must also be taken into account (e.g. for the names of foreign partners or if there are children born before the civil partnership). In these cases in ... Continue

Surname change due to the declaration of expellees, late resettlers, their spouses and descendants

You acquired your name under foreign law and now want to align it with German law. Continue

Surname change child - redetermination of birth name

You can change your child's name if you have joint custody with the other parent after the birth. Continue

Application status ID / passport Make an appointment online, locations Hamburg Service

Inheritance tax, information and jurisdiction based on the testator's surname

Determination of the competent inheritance tax office by name Continue

change first name

You can have your first name changed under certain conditions. Continue

Change the order of first names

If you have more than one first name, you can change their order with a declaration. Continue

Extended registration certificate, issue

The office for residents' affairs issues a written registration certificate to the person concerned upon request. Like the simple registration certificate, this basically contains the following data: Family name, earlier names, first names, ... Continue

Make an appointment online, locations Hamburg Service

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