
20 Services found for "Schulinformationszentrum"

School information

Parents and students receive advice on all questions about schools in Hamburg. The offers of the school information center include information about school education courses in Hamburg as well as the issuing of certificates and the assessment or ... Continue

School enrollment of non-German speaking children (migrants)

In principle, all students from abroad whose language skills exclude attending a regular class are enrolled in preparatory classes. A consultation will take place (appointment required!) To determine which preparatory class is suitable for the ... Continue

Evaluations of foreign school qualifications

Certificates of education acquired abroad are assessed in comparison to German school-leaving qualifications for the purpose of starting work or further training in Hamburg. A certificate is issued about this, which is attached to the foreign ... Continue

Recognition of school qualifications from other federal states

School-leaving qualifications, authorizations and previous training acquired outside the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg but within Germany may require recognition. They are recognized if the certified achievements meet the requirements of the ... Continue

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