Recipients of benefits under the Social Security Code XII (social assistance, basic security) can receive this benefit as part of the education package. Schoolchildren are paid a total of 195 euros per year for learning materials, 130 euros at the ...
Even if you are not legally obliged to submit an income tax return, you have the option of submitting a corresponding declaration for income tax assessment.
If you can cover your other living expenses and part of the rent or burden with your own income, you can check whether you are also entitled to housing benefit.
In certain cases, employees are obliged to submit an income tax return without prior request by the tax office, because the actual annual tax liability can only be determined by means of an assessment. This is the case, for example, when the ...
Every employer is informed electronically of the wage tax deduction features of his employees (exception: see link to hardship application). Paper certificates (income tax card, replacement certificate) are usually no longer relevant. For ...
Income tax returns from 2019 can be made much easier: Much tax-relevant data is already electronically available to the tax office. The electronic data no longer have to be entered in the income tax return; the tax office automatically takes the ...
By taking allowances into account in the wage tax deduction criteria, the wage tax that the employer has to withhold from the employee's wages is reduced.
Since the assessment period 2011, citizens with income from profits (that is, income from commercial operations, agriculture and forestry or from freelance or self-employed activities) have been obliged to submit their income tax return ...
If you submit an income tax return for the past calendar year, the tax offices can usually only issue tax assessments from mid-March of the following year.
Citizens must fill out electronic tax returns or applications in Mein ELSTER carefully and completely and submit them electronically. Tax return forms and application forms must be filled out carefully and completely and signed by the citizen, in the ...
The Federal Finance Administration provides the forms for the income tax return on the Internet (see links). Forms that require electronic submission (e.g. Annex S - income from self-employment -, Annex G - income from a business -, Annex EÜR - ...
The pension payment notification procedure enables the correct tax registration of the pension payments. The pension insurance institutions transmit the pension receipt notifications (RBM) to the Central Allowance Office for Retirement Assets (ZfA) ...
How are retirement pensions taxed? Annuity insurance policies in which the acquired entitlements cannot be lent against, cannot be inherited, cannot be sold, cannot be transferred and cannot be capitalized (statutory annuity insurance, professional ...
Withholding church tax on final taxed investment income (e.g. interest from banks): Church tax on final taxed investment income has been automatically withheld since January 1, 2015 and paid to the tax-collecting religious communities. Automatic ...
In principle, no receipts or separate statements have to be submitted with the tax return. However, the receipts must be kept for any queries from the tax office. If, for example, expenses are incurred for the first time, it may be necessary to ...
1. Tax class VI instead of the actually applicable tax class Possible cause: The employer mistakenly did not set the 'main employer' indicator when registering the employee in the ELStAM database. Solution: The employer has to deregister the ...
Eligible are blind people and people who are equal to blind people due to the degree of impairment of their vision and who do not exceed the income and asset limits. The prerequisite is that the severely handicapped pass contains the mark BL.
The Hamburg-Mitte tax office is responsible for people without a permanent place of residence who have their habitual place of residence in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.