Detailed description
- The Federal Finance Administration provides the forms for the income tax return on the Internet(see links). Forms that require electronic submission (e.g. Annex S - income from self-employment -, Annex G - income from a business -, Annex EÜR - income surplus statement -) are no longer available on the Internet.
- Income tax return forms are available at the information and acceptance points of the regional tax offices.
- Tax return forms for corporation tax, sales tax, trade tax and assessment are not available there due to the obligation to submit electronically.
- Tax return forms and forms for the types of taxes managed by the tax office for transfer taxes and real estate are available on the Internet (see link). You can also obtain paper forms for the “Declaration for the Determination of the Property Tax Value” at the information and acceptance points.
- Tax return forms are usually available in tax offices from mid-January of the following year. The current availability of individual forms can only be clarified on site.