Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Stiftungsangelegenheit"

17 Services found for "Stiftungsangelegenheit"

dissolution of a foundation

Under certain conditions, a foundation will be dissolved ex officio.

Access to the foundation directory/ foundation database

If you need information about the legally responsible foundations based in Hamburg, you can consult the directory/database online.

Cancellation or dissolution of a foundation

The self-dissolution of a foundation is not permitted. A foundation can only be cancelled or dissolved with the approval of the supervisory authority and in a formal procedure.

Application for a certificate of representation for a foundation

If you need a certificate of representation for the board of directors of your foundation, you can apply for one from the competent foundation supervisory authority.

Make changes to the foundation directory

If you, as a foundation, wish to make a change in the foundation register, please report this to the responsible foundation authority.

Apply for approval of an amendment to the articles of association of a foundation

If you want to change the statutes of a legal foundation, you can only do so under certain foundation law conditions with the approval of the competent foundation supervisory authority.

Apply for recognition of a legal foundation

You, as a natural or legal person (associations, companies), can apply to the authority responsible for foundation supervision for the establishment or recognition of a foundation with legal capacity.

Apply for legal capacity as a commercial association

As a validly founded (preliminary) association, you can apply to be granted legal capacity as a commercial association. A commercial association can only be founded if no other legal form can be chosen.

Refinancing of personnel and material costs incurred by the care associations through the assumption of cross-sectional tasks pursuant to Section 15 Para. 1 BtOG

The State of Hamburg finances the so-called cross-sectional tasks to be carried out by the recognized care associations in accordance with Section 15 Paragraph 1 BtOG.

Publication of Official Notices

You can read about official notices and Hamburg laws and ordinances in the Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette and in the Official Gazette.

File information, Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Under certain conditions, you can request access to files from the responsible authority.