The self-dissolution of a foundation is not permitted. A foundation can only be cancelled or dissolved with the approval of the supervisory authority and in a formal procedure.
If you need a certificate of representation for the board of directors of your foundation, you can apply for one from the competent foundation supervisory authority.
If you want to change the statutes of a legal foundation, you can only do so under certain foundation law conditions with the approval of the competent foundation supervisory authority.
You, as a natural or legal person (associations, companies), can apply to the authority responsible for foundation supervision for the establishment or recognition of a foundation with legal capacity.
As a validly founded (preliminary) association, you can apply to be granted legal capacity as a commercial association. A commercial association can only be founded if no other legal form can be chosen.
The State of Hamburg finances the so-called cross-sectional tasks to be carried out by the recognized care associations in accordance with Section 15 Paragraph 1 BtOG.