Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Charitable"

5 Services found for "Charitable"

Recognize non-profit organization

As a non-profit organization, you can benefit from tax incentives.

Access to the foundation directory/ foundation database

If you need information about the legally responsible foundations based in Hamburg, you can consult the directory/database online.

View community or commercial waste collections

Would you like to collect usable waste, so-called recyclables, from private households for non-profit or commercial purposes? Then you must report this to the responsible authority before starting your collection.

Apply for recognition of a legal foundation

You, as a natural or legal person (associations, companies), can apply to the authority responsible for foundation supervision for the establishment or recognition of a foundation with legal capacity.

Submit a declaration of commitment

If you want to enable one or more foreign guests to stay in Germany, you can commit to providing for his or her living expenses.