Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Forced"

16 Services found for "Forced"

Forced marriage and domestic violence

Here you will receive advice and support in cases of forced marriage and domestic violence.

Motor vehicle, vehicle defects, expired insurance cover, vehicle sales

Vehicle defects If a vehicle has defects, the vehicle owner is usually asked by the police or the LBV to remedy the defects or take the vehicle out of service. The owner is given a deadline to do so. The owner must act within this deadline. Otherwise ...

Help for mentally ill adults

The social psychiatric service offers advice and help with mental problems. The social psychiatric service is both a crisis service and a counseling center for people aged 18 and over in acute crisis situations, with suicidal thoughts with mental ...

Register prostitution for the first time

If you work as a prostitute in Germany, you are obliged to register with the authorities.

Extend the registration of prostitution activity

If you work as a prostitute in Germany, you are obliged to register with the authorities. The registration is limited in time and must be extended.

Help hotline violence against women

The helpline provides free initial advice and information on how to help with all forms of violence against women. The help line is aimed in particular at: Women affected by violence People from the social environment of women who are affected by ...

Motor vehicle tax Hamburg

The customs administration has been responsible for vehicle taxation in Hamburg since March 14, 2014. From this point on, tax cases are processed by the responsible main customs office in Hamburg-Stadt. Questions about the taxation of a motor vehicle ...

Motor vehicle, change of insurance

The vehicle owner is obliged to ensure uninterrupted insurance coverage. This means that every change of insurance must be reported to the licensing authority (LBV). The notification is made in electronic form by the respective insurance company in ...

Get an advance on legal costs from your spouse or life partner for a legal dispute

If you are unable to finance a necessary legal dispute yourself, your spouse or life partner may be required to provide you with an advance on legal costs, provided this is equitable.