Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Sustainable"

6 Services found for "Sustainable"

Apply for an extension of your residence permit with sustainable integration

If you have integrated well, you can receive an extension of your residence permit under certain conditions.

Hamburg learns sustainability

Hamburg Learns Sustainability (HLN) is an association of Hamburg authorities, institutions, associations, networks and people who are active in educational work for sustainable development.

Report the use of renewable energies when replacing the heating system

If you install or replace a heating system in your building, you must, under certain conditions, cover a proportion of the heat energy with renewable energies and provide evidence of this to the responsible authority.

Environmental partnership

The environmental partnership is the institution for the promotion of voluntary corporate environmental protection in Hamburg. If you are interested, please read on...

Apply for extension of residence permit for spouses, life partners and minor unmarried children of a sustainably integrated foreigner

Spouses, life partners and unmarried minor children who live with a permanently integrated foreigner in a family community can receive a temporary residence permit. Under certain conditions, you can apply for an extension.

Soil protection

Soil protection is used to secure or restore the functions of the soil. The soil is an indispensable basis of life for nature and society, their development and sustainable usability. Soil cannot be increased and has only a limited load-bearing ...