Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Substitute"

5 Services found for "Substitute"

Apply for a representative permit for a hospitality business that requires a permit

You need a representative permit for a hospitality business that requires a permit

Independent schools

Please apply for the services of a private school (privately sponsored school) such as a change of school, leave of absence or repetitions at the school your child is currently attending. There you will also receive initial advice on all matters.

Submit custody order to court

With a custody order - a so-called last will and testament - parents or single parents can regulate in advance who should represent their minor children after their death.

ELStAM, employer, hardship regulation

The tax authorities offer employers who are unable and for whom it is unreasonable to electronically access the wage tax deduction features of their employees a substitute procedure (so-called 'hardship rule'). For this purpose, the employer must ...