Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Forestry"

10 Services found for "Forestry"

Taxation of farmers and foresters

The tax offices of Hamburg-Harburg and Hamburg-Ost are responsible for the taxation of agricultural and forestry operations in Hamburg.

Supreme Forest Authority Hamburg

Forest in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (FHH)

Property tax, general information

If you are the owner of a piece of land (developed or undeveloped), the owner of a condominium or an agricultural or forestry business in Hamburg, then you have to pay property tax.

Approve clear cutting in the protection forest

If you intend to reduce the forest density on a forest area, you need prior approval above a certain extent.

Approval authority according to the Real Estate Transfer Act (GrdstVG)

The legal sale of agricultural or forestry property (> 1 hectare) requires approval under the Real Estate Act.

Income tax return, employee submission

In certain cases, employees are obliged to submit an income tax return without prior request by the tax office, because the actual annual tax liability can only be determined by means of an assessment. This is the case, for example, when the ...

Electronic submission obligation, income tax returns

Since the assessment period 2011, citizens with income from profits (that is, income from commercial operations, agriculture and forestry or from freelance or self-employed activities) have been obliged to submit their income tax return ...

buy venison

You can buy game from the district foresters’ own hunts.