Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Caterpillars"

4 Services found for "Caterpillars"

Oak processionary moth on private land

The oak processionary moth is an inconspicuous gray-brown moth with a wingspan of 25 to 30 mm. The butterfly species bears its name because of its peculiarity to move one behind the other or next to one another in search of food in the evening, ...

Oak Processionary Moth on Public Land Information

Here you will find general information

Trees on public land (not in parks)

In order to obtain a permit for the felling or cutting of protected trees, an oral application to the specialist office for public space management of the responsible district office is sufficient. In the case of building projects on properties ...

Advice for the garden and the public green

The plant protection service advises you on plant diseases and pests on plants. This takes place within the framework of the plant protection advice for the house and allotment garden area, as well as the public green.