Online-Service available

Training grant Approval for general education school leaving certificates on the second educational path

You can receive financial support for some of your further training courses (second chance education) if you meet the relevant requirements. This support can be provided via a BAföG application.

Important notes


  • German citizenship
  • Foreign citizenship depending on residence status
  • The training is eligible for BAföG (it is not an in-company training according to the Vocational Training Act (BBiG))
  • Your performance in your training or studies suggests that you will achieve your training goal.

Documents required

If applicable, proof of income from parents, for example

  • tax assessment from the penultimate calendar year,
  • Proof of performance for unemployment benefit and sickness benefit.
If no tax assessment is available:
  • Printout of the electronic wage tax certificate / certificate from the responsible tax office for the tax-free annual amount
Additional documents may be required in individual cases

Please note

There are no hints or special features.


There is no deadline. You will receive BAföG at the earliest from the beginning of the month in which you start your training, but only after you have submitted an application.

Procedure & Fees


You will receive written notification of the decision. If the decision is positive, the payments will be transferred monthly in advance to the specified account.
Benefits according to the BAföG are usually decided for one school year. After that you have to submit a new application. The exact approval period for your funding can be found in the notification. Please submit the follow-up application for the next school year 2 months before the end of the old school year

Processing time

The processing time depends on your individual living conditions and your participation in the provision of the service.


There are no fees.

Legal notes

Legal remedies

opposition procedure

Legal basis

Section 2 of the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG)

Service description

You can receive training support for attending evening secondary schools, vocational training schools, technical colleges (where a completed vocational training is required), evening secondary schools and grammar schools and colleges.

Address and contact information

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