
Authority for Economy and Innovation

Open Sundays - information for Hamburg retailers

Important notes

Please note

In Hamburg's retail trade, the shops can open on up to four Sundays each year on the occasion of special events (Section 8 Hamburg Store Opening Act). After approval, the shops may open a maximum of five hours until 6 p.m. at the latest and outside the time of the main church service. Sundays in December, Advent Sundays, Easter Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, Memorial Day, Death Sunday and other public holidays are not possible. The district offices accept requests from interest groups, shopping malls or shopping centers. The economic authority provides information and advice on the legal framework and coordinates the procedure in individual cases with the other responsible bodies within the public administration.

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Address and contact information


Authority for Economy and Innovation
Alter Steinweg 4 20459 Hamburg

Facility info

Mensch in einem Rollstuhl Accessible

Prior registration is required to drive on the authority premises and to park on the premises of the BWI/BVM. The contact person is Ms. Loßnitzer-Schwartz, telephone: 428 41-1563

Public transport

S1 / S2 / S3 Stadthausbrücke, U3 / buses 3/16/17 / X35 / 31/37 Rödingsmarkt

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