
Hamburg at Home Neuengamme: Knowledge at Home

The concentration camp memorial is bringing expert talks to viewers digitally at home.

KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme

Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial at Home

While closed, the Neuengamme concentration camp memorial site continues to publish online content, with readings about the concentration camp history and talks by experts on their Facebook page. One of them, Lennart Onken, shared insider information about the Überlebt! Was nun? exhibition with the listeners, reminding them that the suffering of concentration camp detainees did not in fact end with their liberation.

Neuenamme also hosts plenty of digital resources on their website. Take a virtual tour, view the memorial or find educational resources.

For more information, visit KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme online.

Readers should be aware that most material is in German.



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