Detailed description
Anyone who organizes exhibitions of people in their business premises on a commercial basis or wants to make their business premises available for their event requires the approval of the competent authority.
Anyone who organizes exhibitions of people in their business premises on a commercial basis or wants to make their business premises available for their event requires the approval of the competent authority.
Identity card or passport with last registration certificate, certificate in tax matters, certificate of good conduct for authorities, extract from the central trade register, if applicable, extract from the commercial register, rental or purchase contract
If the performances have a predominantly artistic, sporting, acrobatic or similar character, permission is not required for them to be carried out.
370 EUR to 470 EUR
Keywords: Adult show, permission Peep show, permission Video peep show, permission Striptease, permission Table dance, permission Permission for personal exhibition Pole Dance Permission to exhibit people for commercial purposes
Last updated: 08.10.2024