Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceApply for a vehicle, environmental badge (LBV)

Apply for a vehicle, environmental badge (LBV)


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Detailed description

Environmental zones are intended to reduce pollution and particulate matter in city centers and improve overall air quality. In order to be allowed to drive into the zones, an environmental badge is mandatory. You can apply for or order the environmental badge from the Landesbetrieb Verkehr (LBV).
Fine dust stickers are also available in

  • any admissions office or
  • Any body that is authorized to carry out the emissions test (e.g. TÜV, Dekra, GTÜ, KÜS and FSP, vehicle workshops).




The environmental badge can be issued for vehicles registered in Germany and abroad. The only requirement is that the pollutant behavior of the vehicle can be proven using the code number in field 14.1 in the registration certificate, part I. This information can be found in field 1 of the old vehicle registration documents.

Documents required

You only need the registration certificate part I (vehicle registration) to prove the pollutant behavior via the key number.

Please note

There is currently no environmental zone in Hamburg. Therefore, you do not need an environmental sticker here, but it may be mandatory for driving to other large cities.

An environmental badge can only be issued directly by the LBV as part of a registration. Subsequent issuance on site is not possible; in this case, the environmental badge can be ordered from the LBV or purchased from any other location.
A new sticker is required if the vehicle is re-registered and the license plate changes or the registered license plate is no longer legible, for example because the color has faded. The number entered on the sticker must match the license plate.

If you would like to order the environmental badge from the LBV, please transfer the amount of 7.00 euros to the LBV account, stating your name and vehicle registration number. You will then receive the environmental badge by post within approximately 14 days. Here are the account details:

Recipient: State Transport Authority HH

IBAN: DE42 2105 0000 0101 5840 00


Name of the bank: Hamburg Commercial Bank

Amount: 7.00 Euro

Purpose: Application EmissPlak, Name, License Plate

Processing time

If you apply for the sticker on site at the LBV, you can take it with you immediately. The order from the LBV takes approx. 14 days.


When applying in person to the LBV as part of the approval process, the sticker costs EUR 5.10. If you order this, EUR 7.00 will be charged. The basis for the fee level is the fee schedule for measures in road traffic (GebOSt).

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Keywords: Environmental zones Environmental badges Fine dust sticker Fine dust sticker environmental zones Environmental badges - environmental zones Badge, TÜV Environmental badge according to the fine dust ordinance Environmental badges, LBV Apply for environmental badge (LBV)

Last updated: 13.02.2025