

Surname changes

A name change under public law is only possible if there is an important reason. It serves to remove any inconveniences in individual cases. The name change is exceptional. An intensive, telephone consultation before submitting the application is essential.

Important notes

Documents required

It turns out individually in the telephone consultation.

Procedure & Fees


The fee for changing the surname or first name is € 25.00 - € 1000.00.

If an application is withdrawn or rejected, 50% or 75% of the fee is due.

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Address and contact information

Opening hours

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8 am-12.30pm, Mon + Thu 1.15pm-3.30pm. No appointment without an appointment.

Facility info

Mensch in einem Rollstuhl Accessible

Public transport

U1 / S1 / S11 / buses X35 / 213/261 Wandsbeker Chaussee, bus 116 Hammer Straße

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