Wenn Sie einen Personalausweis, Reisepass oder Kinderreisepass beantragen möchten, können Sie zur Erfassung der notwendigen biometrischen Daten (Foto, Unterschrift, Fingerabdrücke) ein vorhandenes Selbsterfassungsterminal (Speed Capture Terminal) nutzen. Das Mitbringen eines Fotos entfällt in diesem Fall. Die Nutzung kostet 6 Euro. Eine Sachbearbeitung ist im Anschluss aufzusuchen, Terminvereinbarung wird empfohlen.
The Finkenwerder customer center is on the first floor. In addition to the existing stairs, you can also reach this via an elevator. To get to the first floor via elevator, please call the customer center staff on 040/42854-5333. You will then be welcomed and escorted upstairs.
If you would like to apply for an identity card, passport or children's passport, you can use an existing self-recording terminal (Speed Capture Terminal) to capture the necessary biometric data (digital photo, signature, fingerprints).
Please allow a few minutes more time before your appointment to collect your data.
Note: You will not receive a printout of the digital photo.
There is no need to bring a passport photo with you when using the self-registration terminal.
Use costs 6 euros.
Please speak to the clerk afterwards.
The existing self-recording terminal (Speed Capture Terminal) cannot be used for fishing licenses and driver's license applications. Please bring a passport photo (biometric) with you for these services.