Detailed description
The task of the Senate Coordinator for Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities is to act as an intermediary between citizens and the administration from an independent position. He is the contact person for disabled people and their associations and follows up their inquiries, complaints and suggestions. Wherever there are barriers to integration in practice, the Senate coordinator gives suggestions and initiates the necessary coordination. Through a variety of initiatives, he contributes to the fact that disabled people can participate in social life on an equal footing. To this end, the Senate coordinator is in dialogue with authorities, employers, works councils, representatives of the severely disabled, chambers, guilds and trade unions. The office of the Senate Coordinator for Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities has existed since July 2002 (previously since 1990 'Commissioner for Disability Issues'). The incumbent is appointed by the Senate for one legislative period. Mr. Ralph Raule is currently the Senate Coordinator.