Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceDebtor and bankruptcy adviceSocial authority

Social authority

Debtor and bankruptcy advice

If you are in debt or over-indebted and have a low income, you can seek advice.

Detailed description

Debt counseling will help you if you are in financial distress and are unable to get out of the situation on your own. These financial emergencies can

  • existing debts, but also
  • impending debts, for example if payment obligations have not yet been met or if upcoming payment obligations cannot be met.

At the debt counseling centers you have the opportunity to

  • financial,
  • psychosocial and
  • to receive legal advice.

Debt counseling helps you reduce the effects of excessive indebtedness and create financial flexibility. The goal is to enable you to cover your rent, energy and living expenses independently again.

  • First, the debt counseling service obtains a complete overview of your current debt situation.
  • You will then create a plan together.

The offer also includes support in taking the necessary steps and coping with the situation.
The debt counseling service also supports you with

  • legal issues
  • Negotiation with creditors
  • Preparation of insolvency proceedings
  • Application for personal bankruptcy.




For debt counseling at a public or private institution:

  • You are already in debt or are facing financial hardship.

For debt counseling at the Jobcenter:

  • You will be supported in the job placement by the Jobcenter,
  • receive citizen’s allowance and
  • do not receive unemployment benefit (ALG I).
  • The responsible job center can check further requirements.

Documents required

If you receive benefits under the Second Social Code (SGB II), you need a consultation voucher from the job center.

Please note

The open short-term and emergency advice can be used free of charge by all those seeking advice (regardless of the target group).




Please contact the debt counseling center. They will clarify the further procedure with you, including the application. If you receive benefits under SGB II, you can also contact the integration specialist directly. They will issue you a voucher for the consultation.

Both municipal counseling centers and private or non-profit organizations offer debt counseling.

  • You make an appointment at the debt counseling center of your choice.
  • If the advice center has free appointments, you can receive debt counseling there.

Alternatively, you can apply for debt counseling through the job center.

  • The responsible integration officer checks whether the necessary requirements are met.
  • Together with the responsible integration officer, you will discuss the appropriate counseling center and the scope of the counseling.
  • You can then seek debt counseling from the relevant counseling center. Alternatively, this debt counseling could also be provided by the job center itself.

Processing time

The waiting time for further advice can be several weeks or months. The offer of a short and emergency consultation is possible at short notice.


The coverage of the costs depends on the amount of your net household income. The income limits are staggered, so that from a certain income level onwards a personal contribution of 180 euros must be paid to the advice center. The responsible body then covers the remaining costs.

Legal remedies


Legal basis

Section 14 of the First Social Code (SGB I)

Section 16a of the Second Social Code (SGB II)

Section 11 paragraph 1 in conjunction with paragraph 5, 68 of the Twelfth Social Code (SGB XII)

Article 20 paragraph 1 of the Basic Law (GG)

Article 28 Basic Law (GG)

Address and contact information

Social authority

AI 31
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Last updated: 18.01.2025