Detailed description
Information for entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur, it is your responsibility to know the legal requirements, especially regarding driving and rest times for your (driving) staff, and to create the necessary working conditions.
The driving personnel law and the social regulations in road traffic apply to the transport of goods and passengers - for example, to transport, whether within Germany or abroad. This website is intended to provide you with the most important information on the application of the regulations.
At the same time, the provisions of working time law also apply to employees, which you can find here:
For self-employed drivers, however, the following applies: KrFArbZG - Law regulating the working hours of self-employed drivers
Information for drivers
As a driver or passenger, you must observe the social regulations in road traffic when carrying out your work. This applies to:
Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, which are suitable and intended to carry more than nine persons – including the driver,
Vehicles used for the commercial transport of goods and whose maximum permissible weight, including trailers, exceeds 2.8 tonnes.
The regulations may also apply to you as a craftsman or bus driver.
More specific information, especially on driving and rest times, can be found in the downloads below and via the links below.
Information about the driver and company card, as well as the application process, etc. is available in Hamburg from the State Office for Transport (LBV).