Hamburg.deHamburg Servicehand in lost propertyDistrict Office Altona

District Office Altona

hand in lost property

If you find a lost item worth more than 10 euros, you must hand it in.

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Detailed description

You must immediately hand in a lost property worth at least 10 euros. If you wish, your personal details will be written down.
You can claim a reward for finding and turning in the item if it is successfully returned to the owner.
You can reclaim the item if it has not been picked up by the owner after a period of 6 months.




You have found an item worth at least 10 euros.

Documents required

  • Identity document

Please note

If you have found something, you can hand it in to the Hamburg Central Lost Property Office, the customer centers or the police stations without an appointment. Regardless of the day or time, every Hamburg police station accepts lost property and forwards it to the central lost property office as quickly as possible.

If you find something on a Hamburg public transport subway or bus, please hand it over to a public transport employee straight away. These lost items are also quickly forwarded to the central lost property office.

Bicycles may only be accepted by the Hamburg Police Department.
The police officers check whether the bicycles found have been reported stolen. After comparing the theft reports, which can take up to 10 weeks, the police hand over the bicycles to the central Hamburg lost property office.

Animals may only be accepted by the Süderstraße animal shelter.
Hamburg Animal Welfare Association from 1841 eV Süderstraße 399
20504 Hamburg
Tel: 040 - 21 11 06 11

Finder's fee claims/reimbursement of expenses
You must request claims for finder's fees or reimbursement of expenses independently from the owner of the item you found. According to Section 971 of the German Civil Code (BGB), the finder's fee depends on the value of the item: 5% up to EUR 500 and 3% from EUR 500.

Acquisition of ownership after the expiry of the storage period is excluded in the following cases:
The legislature has made different regulations in Section 978 BGB, paragraph 2, for finds in business premises or means of transport of public authorities (police, district offices, customer centers, specialist offices, etc.) and transport companies (subways and buses). Here you will receive half of the statutory finder's fee for items worth at least EUR 50.

The acquisition of ownership or the right to a finder's fee for items found in private business premises. This applies, for example, to savings banks, banks, theaters, exhibition rooms, department stores, restaurants and other rooms accessible to a larger group of the public, and taxis are only possible if a written waiver from the business owner is available.

According to case law, in these cases you are not to be seen as a finder, but as a discoverer.


The retention period begins with the processing of the find date in the corresponding storage software of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

All lost property will be kept for 6 months.

Lost property only:

  • from subways and buses of the Hamburger Hochbahn are kept for 8 weeks.

  • Key finds are kept for the current month + 2 additional months.


  • You hand over the lost property.
  • Fill out a lost property report at the Hamburg police station. In this you state where and when you found the item.
  • You can provide your personal information such as name, address and contact details.
  • You will receive a corresponding letter with which you can request the item back if necessary.

Processing time

5 to 10 minutes


There are no fees.

Payment methods available

  • Girocard
  • Cash payment

Legal remedies


Legal basis

§§ 965 ff. Civil Code (BGB)

Address and contact information

District Office Altona

Specialist Office Internal Service
Central Lost and Found Office

Mon 7am-4pm, Tues 7am-1pm, Thurs 8.30am-1pm and 2pm-6pm, closed on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Arriving by car: Driveway via Luruper Chaussee. The StVO applies to one-way streets within the Bahrenfeld district.

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Keywords: Central lost property office of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Lost property acceptance points (district offices) Lost property collection points (district offices) Fund collection points (district offices) Central lost property (Hamburg lost property office) Safekeeping of lost property - DOL Lost property, levy Hamburg lost and found office Lost property, safekeeping Disposal of lost and found items Surrender lost cause Lost property, acceptance Lost property delivery point (Hamburg lost property office) Lost property collection point (Hamburg lost property office) Lost and found delivery point (Hamburg lost and found office) Lost property office Lost property office, lost property handover Lost property, collection point Lost item, finder's reward found property, property rights

Last updated: 16.02.2025