Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceDisclosing employment to a pregnant or...Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Disclosing employment to a pregnant or breastfeeding woman

If one of your employees has informed you that she is pregnant or breastfeeding, you must inform the responsible supervisory authority.

Detailed description

Women who are pregnant, have recently given birth or are breastfeeding require special protection under the Maternity Protection Act.
In principle, your employee is free to decide whether and when to inform you about her pregnancy or breastfeeding.
You only have to notify the responsible authority once your employee has informed you of her pregnancy or breastfeeding.




An employee has informed you that she is pregnant or breastfeeding.

Documents required

Your message should include the following information:

  • Name and address of the employer, company or training institution
  • Name and date of birth of the pregnant or breastfeeding woman who works for you
  • the nature of the current activity

Please note

Different responsibilities may arise in the following cases:

  • Self-employed
  • Members of the executive bodies and managing directors of legal persons or companies (unless they are predominantly employed)
  • Housewives
  • Female civil servants, judges and soldiers

Regardless of the type of employment relationship, the Maternity Protection Act also applies to:

  • Women who work part-time
  • Women in marginal employment (mini-jobs)
  • Women with fixed-term employment contracts or on probation
  • Women in vocational training and interns
  • Women with disabilities who work in a workshop for disabled people
  • Women who work as volunteers within the meaning of the Youth Volunteer Service Act or the Federal Volunteer Service Act
  • Women who work as members of a religious community, deaconesses or members of a similar community in a permanent position or on the basis of a contract of employment for these, even during the period of their extracurricular training there

If you want to employ your pregnant or breastfeeding employee after 8 p.m., you must submit a separate application. If you want to employ her on Sundays and public holidays, you must also inform the relevant authority.


Immediately inform the relevant authority if you employ a pregnant or breastfeeding woman


  • Inform the relevant authority that you employ a pregnant or breastfeeding woman.
  • Use the online service to send the notification electronically to the responsible authority.
  • You can also provide information about the type and duration of employment of your pregnant employee. This way you can avoid any queries from the responsible authority.
  • The responsible authority will examine your notification. If necessary, the responsible authority will request further information or documents from you.
  • The responsible authority will record your notification.

Processing time




Legal remedies

This is a notification by you. No legal remedy is provided.

Legal basis

federal law:

Address and contact information

Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Employee Protection

Mon-Wed 10am-1pm, Thurs 10am-1pm, 2pm-4pm, Fri 10am-1pm, telephone advice only

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Keywords: Maternity leave and occupational safety Maternity leave notification maternity leave notice Maternity Notice Pregnant employees Breastfeeding employees breastfeeding woman

Last updated: 05.02.2025