IASON page

take back birth names

After the dissolution of your marriage or civil partnership, you can take your birth name as your surname again.


Detailed description

Have you divorced and want to change your name? If your birth name or the name you had before marriage or civil partnership was not your married name, you can

  • Resume your birth name or the name you used until your married name was determined, or
  • Place your birth name or your family name as used at the time of the declaration regarding the determination of the married name before or after your married name.

You can drop any accompanying name that was added to or preceded by your marriage.




Your marriage has been divorced or your civil partnership has been dissolved.

Documents required

  • passport or identity card,
  • In addition, if you visit the registry office that keeps the marriage register:
    • final divorce decree,
  • In addition, if you visit another registry office:
    • certified printout from the marriage register and the final divorce decree or
    • certified printout from the marriage register with registered divorce.

Please note





The declaration can be submitted at any registry office. To do so, you must make an appointment. The declaration becomes effective as soon as it arrives at the responsible registry office.
You will receive a certificate of the name change upon request.
The new name is entered in the marriage register.

Processing time



Fees of at least EUR 35.50 apply.

Legal remedies


Legal basis

§ 46 Civil Status Ordinance (PStV)

§ 41 Civil Status Act (PStG)

Section 1355 paragraph 5 of the German Civil Code (BGB)

Section 3 paragraph 3 of the Life Partnership Act (LPartG)

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Keywords: Name change Provisional identity card Birth name divorce Identity card ID card Issue ID Apply for ID Application electronic identity card Identity document Proof of identity Photo ID New PA new identity card PA Perso Apply for identity card Personal document BPA provisional pers temporary ID in the interim provisionally Alternate name new name last name First name other last name ID card with a new name accept name married names

Last updated: 13.02.2025