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Request a printout from the birth register

You don't have your birth certificate and you need it for a marriage or another official act? Then you can request a printout from the birth register.


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Detailed description

A certified printout from the birth register will be issued to you upon request by the responsible registry office. The printout contains all the data that the registry office has entered in connection with your birth. You will receive the document, including any subsequent certifications, as a printout from the electronic register. Legally, this printout is equivalent to the birth certificate. You can present it in an official context instead of the birth certificate.

In addition to information about the birth (including time of birth and additional information about the parents), the printout also includes subsequent changes, such as adoption, changes in the child's paternity or name changes.

The exact time (hour and minute) of your birth will also be on every newly issued birth certificate from November 1, 2022.
If you wish, the registry office may also inform you of the exact time (hour and minute) of your birth without having to issue a certificate.




The personal data in the civil registers are subject to data protection.
You can therefore only obtain certified register printouts as
- Persons to whom the entry refers

As well as their
- spouses,
- Life partners (within the meaning of the Life Partnership Act - LPartG),
- Ancestors and descendants (such as parents and grandparents as well as children and grandchildren),
- Siblings.

Other persons, including close relatives such as aunts and uncles, will only receive a certificate if they can credibly demonstrate a legal interest (examples: letter from the probate court, court judgment or enforceable title).
You must be at least 16 years old to get a printout of the birth register.

Documents required

You will need your identity card or passport (if ordering in writing: copy).
If you request or collect the printout from the birth register as a representative, you will need a written power of attorney from the authorized person and their identification document
If you are not the person to whom the term refers, nor their spouse, civil partner, ancestor or descendant, you will need to provide evidence of your legitimate or legal interest.

Please note

The certified printout from the birth register replaces the previous certificate of descent, which was abolished on January 1, 2009.




You can apply for a printout from the birth register in person. To do so, visit the registry office that registered the birth. Please find out about the registry office's opening hours beforehand.
Identify yourself with your identity card or passport.
You usually pay the fee cashlessly at the registry office.
A person you trust can order and collect the certificate for you. Your representative will present your ID card and their own identity card or passport, as well as a written power of attorney.

You can request a printout of the birth register in writing or by email. To do so, send an informal letter to the responsible registry office asking them to issue you a certified printout of the birth register.

Your letter must contain the following information:

  • Name first Name
  • Date of birth and place of birth
  • Name, first name of parents
  • if known: registry office and registration number

Please enclose a copy of your identity card or passport with the letter. When the certificate is sent to you, you will receive a fee notice. The certificate may only be sent to you after the fees have been paid.

Processing time

In the case of a personal interview, the certificate will be handed over immediately.


  • Certified printout from the birth register (first copy): 18.00 Euro

  • if additional copies are requested at the same time: 8.00 Euro each

  • Issue for statutory pension insurance: free of charge

Legal remedies

If the registry office does not issue the desired certificate, you can submit an application for its issuance to the Hamburg District Court, Personal Status Court, Sievekingplatz 1.

Legal basis

Section 55 paragraph 1 number 4 of the Civil Status Act (PStG)

§ 62 Civil Status Act (PStG)

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Keywords: Premature births Childbirth Birth certificate birth child Registry office Child registration Sign up date of birth rattle stork mother offspring son registry office matter daughter certificate father birth register Birth Register Extract

Last updated: 13.02.2025