Detailed description
If you are helpless as a result of an injury, you can apply for a monthly care allowance.
Helplessness is assumed, for example, in the case of these health disorders recognized as consequences of damage:
- Blindness and severe visual impairment
- paraplegia and other disabilities that require the use of a wheelchair in the long term and constantly - even within the living space
- Brain damage, seizure disorders, mental retardation and psychoses if these health disorders alone cause a degree of impairment (GdS) of 100
- Loss of two or more limbs, excluding bilateral lower leg or foot amputation
You are considered helpless if you need permanent outside help for a series of frequently and regularly recurring activities to secure your personal existence.
This also applies if:
- assistance is required in the form of supervision or guidance; or
- the help does not have to be provided continuously, but a constant willingness to provide help is required.