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Apply for a birth certificate if born abroad or in a former German territory

If you need proof of birth from the former German territories or from the consular and colonial registers, you can apply for a birth certificate.


Detailed description

You can have a birth certificate issued based on an existing birth register entry. If the place of birth is outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the birth can be registered at the Registry Office I in Berlin




  • There is an entry in a German birth register on the basis of which you can apply for a birth certificate.
  • Civil status certificates contain personal data, so their issuance is subject to data protection restrictions.
  • You are eligible to apply if
    • You are at least 16 years old,
    • You are the person to whom the birth certificate refers or
    • whose spouse or
    • whose life partner is within the meaning of the law on registered life partnerships or
    • whose ancestors and descendants are or
    • whose siblings are.
  • If you are another person, you will only receive a certificate if you can credibly demonstrate a legal interest. This also applies to close relatives such as uncles or aunts. You have a legal interest, for example, if it concerns an inheritance matter.

Documents required

If you would like to apply for a birth certificate, you will need: if applying through a representative:

  • written authorization of the authorized person,
  • their identity card or passport (original or certified copy)
  • and the identity card or passport of the person representing
  • Certain persons must also demonstrate a legal or legitimate interest.

Please note





  • You can only apply for the certificate in writing.
  • In addition to you, a person you trust can also order the certificate for you. To do so, they will need a written power of attorney from you.
  • The Registry Office I in Berlin will accept your application and review it. If necessary, the Registry Office I Berlin will request further documents or information from you.
  • When the certificate is sent to you, you will receive a fee notice.

Processing time



Fees are charged for issuing a birth certificate in accordance with Berlin state law. The Berlin Registry Office I will inform you of the amount of the fees upon request.

Legal remedies

If the issuance of the certificate is refused, you can submit an application for an order to the Schöneberg District Court in Berlin. The objection procedure is only possible with regard to the fee notice.

Legal basis

Section 55 paragraph 1 number 4 of the Civil Status Act (PStG)

http://§ 55 paragraph 1 number 4 of the Civil Status Act (PStG)

§ 59 Civil Status Act (PStG)

http://§ 59 Personal Status Act (PStG)

§ 62 Civil Status Act (PStG)

http://§ 62 Personal Status Act (PStG)

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Keywords: Civil status certificate Certificates of birth Birth registrations Premature births Childbirth Certificate of descent Certified extract from the birth register Certified copy from the birth register Birth certificate, certified copy from the birth register Birth certificate, certified extract from the birth register Citizenship, certified extract from the birth register Birth announcement birth certificate birth child Registry office Child registration Sign up abroad German exhibition parents date of birth Birth certificate international rattle stork mother offspring son registry office matter daughter certificate father Berlin alumni Colonial Register consular register proof eastern territories Registry Office I Registry office I in Berlin

Last updated: 05.02.2025