
Hamburg Welcome Portal Talk Groups

Speak German and meet new people: Take part in free talk groups to improve your German skills.

Symbolic image: Talk Groups in Hamburg, Germany

Talk Groups - Hamburg Welcome Portal

If you like to practice speaking German and are not afraid to meet new people and learn about their cultures, talk groups are the ideal opportunity to solidify your German skills.

In Hamburg you can take part in several free of charge talk groups, for example “Sprache im Alltag“ or DIALOG IN DEUTSCH at the Buecherhallen (public libraries).

DIALOG IN DEUTSCH (lit.: Dialog in German)

Speak German in a group under the guidance of a volunteer facilitator, many groups in many book halls, every week, free of charge and without registration.

German speaking and practicing for all who learn German:

There are more than 90 groups in the book halls every week, including groups for beginners, women and young people.
You can find all the groups here.

Did you know that free WiFi is available in all Libraries (Bücherhallen)?

Participation in online discussion groups: If you are interested, just send an email to

„Sprache im Alltag“ (lit.: Language in everyday life)

"Sprache im Alltag" is a project of Sprachbrücke-Hamburg e.V. and takes place throughout the entire city of Hamburg. Conversation topics change monthly and are adapted to the needs and wishes of the participants. A suitable excursion is held In the last week of the month. Already acquired basic knowledge of German and a registration is recommended.

More information and dates can be found at:

Talk Groups