Visitors Sights Architecture
HafenCity architecture

Marco Polo Tower

This striking building in the neighbourhood of HafenCity is a major Hamburg landmark.

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Christian Ohde / imago images

The Marco Polo Tower on the Strandkai stands a proud 55 metres high and can be seen from afar by anyone strolling through Hamburg's HafenCity. The building was created by an architecture firm from Stuttgart, but the eye-catching design of interlocking floors is unique to the Hanseatic City. 

Built in 2009, the residential tower was awarded a host of architectural prizes, and almost all residential units were sold before the building was even completed. Quite a feat, considering the price tag. The Marco Polo Tower boasts some of Hamburg’s more expensive real estate. And with a view like this, it’s no wonder! From the upper floors, residents have a panoramic view of the sprawling harbour, the Elbe, and the city centre with its formative towers. Unfortunately, these particular views will remain private, as a public viewing platform is not currently planned.

Architecture fans will nonetheless be impressed by the Marco Polo Tower, even from the outside. And there’s plenty more to see nearby as well. Directly next to the Marco Polo Tower is the equally impressive (but more ‘down to earth’) Unilever-Haus, and in the immediate vicinity of both are the Speicherstadt and the Störtebeker monument. Flanked by the Marco Polo Terraces and Grasbrook Park, the tower is also quite close to the Hamburg Cruise Center.

Getting there

Marco Polo Tower
Am Strandkai 1
20457 Hamburg

Marco Polo Tower is easily accessible from the U4 subway station Überseeqartier and the bus 111 stop Marco-Polo-Terrassen

For more information on the Marco Polo Tower, visit Hamburg Tourism.