Visitors Hamburg by ...
Hamburg on Foot

Outer Alster Route (1:15h)

Follow Hamburg's second biggest river up to the Alster lakes. Walk along canals, see the city's beautiful skyline and rest at a cosy café.

imago stock & people / Hoch Zwei Stock / Angerer

Start at the Friedrichsberg S-Bahn station and follow the Wandse stream and the Eilbek canal through Friedrichsberg park. After a while you will not only walk past a fleet of houseboats, but also along both the HfBK art school and HAW university.

Follow the stream up until the U-Bahn underpass: from here you can already see Hamburg’s iconic Heinrich Hertz TV tower. Where the canal meets the Alster lake, a stunning panorama unfolds in front of your eyes. You won't get a better view of the Hamburg skyline than from here. Walk along the green banks of the lake until you come to a large pier. It is time to make your way towards Lange Reihe, one of Hamburg’s most popular streets: cosy cafes, lively bars and shabby to chic restaurants. The end of your walk is marked by Hamburg Central Station and Heidi Kabel square, named after Hamburg's famous actress.