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Taxi Times Verlag

The Taxi Times trade magazine will oversee the Zukunftstaxi project as a media partner. Facts, background information and news can be found on a separate Hamburg taxi news page.

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The Taxi Times Verlag publishing company accompanies the taxi industry with its quarterly print editions and various digital platforms. In addition to the commercial policy priorities (COVID-19 pandemic, amendments to the Passenger Transport Act (Personenbeförderungsgesetz)), the editorial team also focuses on electromobility in everyday taxi life. 'For years we have observed that, under the pressure of statutory CO2 restrictions and limit values, the taxi industry is also demanding that the taxi industry switch to electric taxis,' says Jürgen Hartmann, editor of Taxi Times. 'Corresponding support programmes have now started in various cities - some with very different funding approaches. The current Zukunftstaxi project of the city of Hamburg is one of the most comprehensive and ambitious funding measures. We are pleased that Taxi Times can actively support this as a media partner.'

With a special Hamburg news page, the editors report on all new developments, progress and background information on the Zukunftstaxi project - along with other Hamburg taxi topics - on a daily basis. 'We have also set up an uncommented Facebook site as well as a WhatsApp group and a Telegram group (both called 'Zukunftstaxi Hamburg') for the exchange of information between taxi operators on this project,' says Hayrettin Şimşek, who works at Taxi Times and is responsible for social media. The contents of this brochure will also be available in the Taxi Times 'e-kiosk'.

'A lot has changed in the field of electric mobility in recent years,' says Simon Günnewig, technology editor at Taxi Times. 'Not only the selection of e-models suitable for taxis, but also their ranges have made a real leap. The previous bottleneck, the charging infrastructure, has also developed enormously, especially in Hamburg. We will closely monitor further progress and keep Hamburg taxi operators informed via our digital channels.'

The editorial team can be reached at