Visitors Explore Outdoors
Hamburg has round about 1460 parks


Enjoy Hamburg's plentiful outdoor opportunities ─ stroll around the Alster, jog in the Stadtpark or find a good lake for summer swimming.

Gesche zu Jührden

Alster Lakes

The Inner and Outer Alster Lakes are a central part of Hamburg city life. Whenever the sun is out, they fill up with sailors, paddlers and rowers.

imago images / Hans Blossey
Outdoors and Parks

Altona Volkspark

A winding grid of walkways, large forests, and sun-soaked clearings - all within walking distance of the Volkspark stadium.

imago images / Hoch Zwei Stock/Angerer
Explore Outdoors


Rent a rowboat, canoe or kayak, take a tour of the port area, or get around on one of Hamburg's ferry lines. / HOCH 2 / Henning Angerer

City Park

The Stadtpark is Hamburg’s recreation destination: Swim, grill or enjoy open air concerts, sculptures and the observatory! ​​​​​​

imago stock & people / Lars Berg

The Elbe River

Hamburg’s main waterway connects the city to the North Sea. Explore this mighty river by boat, ferry or a stroll along its banks.​​​​​​​​​​​

Christoph Bellin /

Elbstrand Beach

Sun worshippers, flaneurs and nature lovers agree on the long and sandy beaches along the River Elbe. The best part: they are just outside the city centre!

Daniel Kirsch / Pixabay
Hamburg Outdoors

Freshwater Swimming

Nothing is better than a cool dip on a hot summer day. Luckily, Hamburg’s lakes and natural pools are perfect for a swim.

Andy Ertel / Hagenbecks Zoo

Hagenbeck's Zoo

Hagenbeck Zoo houses 210 different animal species from all over the world, a tropical aquarium and the new Arctic-themed Eismeer section.

901263 / Pixabay
Outdoors and Parks

Loki Schmidt Gardens

With plenty of plants, greenhouses and attractions, the gardens are great for resting, relaxing and learning.

Hamburger Friedhöfe -AöR- 2016

Ohlsdorf Cemetery

Historic headstones and family mausoleums surrounded by botanical beauty await you at the world's largest cemetery park.

imago stock&people / Westend61

Planten un Blomen

Just a short stroll from the city Planten un Blomen park is the place to relax under Mediterranean fig trees or at the Japanese teahouse.

Free-photos / Pixabay
Kids & Family


Sometimes the little things become the fondest childhood memories. Like a carefree summer afternoon at one of Hamburg's many beautiful playgrounds.