Visitors Events Highlights on the Month

Highlights of the Month

Winter Fun

Ice Skating Rinks

November - March: Up for some frosty fun? Get your skates on and twirl, glide, or simply try to keep upright at Hamburg’s ice skating rinks.​​​​​​

IMAGO / Westend61
Winter Activities

Sledging Fun in Hamburg

December-February: Make the most of snowy days in Hamburg with thrilling sledging spots.

imago stock & people / ZweiKameraden
Plan Ahead

Valentine's Day

14 Feb: Want to surprise your significant other for Valentine’s? Make it a day to remember in romantic Hamburg.

Stefan Waldvogel / Pixabay
Trade Fairs & Conventions

Hanse Golf

14-16 Feb: The Hanse Golf convention covers all things golf - from products to innovations to trends.

Einstieg GmbH
Trade Fairs

Einstieg Job Fair

21-22 Feb: Over 300 business and educational institutions and opportunities introduce themselves to students, parents and teachers.