Visitors Events Food & Drink

Open Mouth Food Festival

Hamburg has a new food festival! From 12 to 16 September, the Hanseatic city will be dedicated to the celebration of culinary delights.

Mediaserver Hamburg / Silke Werzinger

Open Mouth Food Festival

For five days in late summer, everything in Hamburg revolves around good food. From north German classics like Franzbrötchen and Labskaus to innovations from Hamburg's foodie scene, the new Open Mouth Food Festival highlights the diversity of the Hanseatic city's gastronomic offerings as well as delicacies from regional producers. The festival also puts a special focus on the development of regional solutions for global food system challenges.

Programme Throughout Hamburg

Many of Hamburg’s restaurants take part in the Food Festival, meaning visitors can take part in the festival offerings throughout the city. In addition, there is also a central event area in the Oberhafenquartier. Here, visitors can look forward to gastronomic events, tastings, panel discussions and much more.

Other food events during the festival period will find a place under the umbrella of the Open Mouth Food Festival: for example, the Hamburg Beer Week will take place again in cooperation with Open Mouth.


12-16 September 2024

More information

Further information and programme at Open Mouth Food Festival.