Visitors Events Film Festivals

FilmFest Hamburg

Watch dozens of international feature films, shorts and documentaries and mingle with actors and creators at the annual FilmFest Hamburg.​​​​​​​

Filmfest Hamburg

Over the course of ten days, dozens of films from across the globe are screened in cinemas throughout the Hanseatic city. At FilmFest Hamburg, filmmakers, celebrities and movie stars walk the red carpet to watch exclusive premieres of some of the most anticipated German, European and international films. Selections range from art house and documentary films to television and short films to mainstream films and Oscar contenders.

During the festival, a number of awards are presented to the most innovative and compelling films, including the MICHEL, the NDR Young Talent, and Hamburg Film Critic Award, as well as the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung award for the best political film. In the past, the coveted Douglas Sirk Award was given to international stars like Clint Eastwood, Jodie Foster, Aki Kaurismäki and Jim Jarmusch among others. In addition, FilmFest Hamburg offers the perfect conditions for a series of panels, discussions and meetings for representatives of the film industry.  


26 September - 5 October 2024


Abaton, Cinemaxx Dammtor, Metropolis, Passage, Studio-Kino

For more information, please visit the official FilmFest Hamburg website.